Welding machine KT 200 Prof
Uređaj za zavarivanje KT-200 Prof, MMA/TIG, KITTORY
- parametri ellektričnog napona: (±10%) : 230/ 50 V / Hz
- maksimalna ulazna struja: 39 A
- slobodni napon: 82 V
- područje namještanja (MMA): 20/20,8 – 200/28 A / V
- područje namještanja (TIG): 20/10,8 – 200/18 A / V
Intermitencija MMA:
- 20% MMA 180/27,2 A / V
- 60% MMA 104/24,2 A / V
- 100% MMA 80/23,2 A / V
Intermitencija TIG:
- 20% TIG 180/17.2 A / V
- 60% TIG 104/14.2 A / V
- 100% TIG 80/13.2 A / V
Promjer elektrode: 1,2-5,0 mm
- učinkovitost: 85 %
- kosinus: 0,7
- izolacijski razred H
- stupanj zaštite: IP 21S
- sustav hlađenja: ventilator
- mjere (DxŠxV): 375x160x285 mm
- masa: 5,6 kg
Oprema uređaja:
- MMA gorionik
- masa kabel
OFFICE Samobor | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Otok Samoborski | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Prelog | Unavailabe |
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Metal-Kovis d.o.o. does not guarantee that the prices, availability and descriptions of the product are accurate, as well as that the photos match their true appearance.