Carbide rotary files HM4 10mm
Bravarsko roto glodalo Ø10 mm, cilindrično bez čeonog ozubljenja HM4, TM, Krino
- za završavanje posla u visoko legiranom čeliku, nehrđajućem čeliku, metalima
- smanjene vibracije, dobra površinska obrada
- brzina rezanja: 300-400 m/min
- Ø= 10 mm
- |= 20 mm
- L= 65 mm
- d= 6 mm
OFFICE Samobor | Availabe |
OFFICE Otok Samoborski | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Prelog | Unavailabe |
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Metal-Kovis d.o.o. does not guarantee that the prices, availability and descriptions of the product are accurate, as well as that the photos match their true appearance.