Vijčani kompresor F-1110 + RDX18, COMPRAG

SKU: WEB-4048
PRICE: 6.500,00 € + VAT
8.125,00 €

Vijčani kompresor F-1110 + RDX18, COMPRAG

Air compressor - Fseries air compressors

  • type: F-1110
  • 380V/50Hz: 11 kW
  • max. working pressure: 10 bar
  • capacity: 1,4 m^3/min
  • weight: 293 kg
  • production date: 23.09.22.
  • made in Germany

Refigerated air dryer

  • model: RDX18
  • date of production: 07.2022.
  • air flow at nominal conditions m^3/min: 1,8
  • max. working pressure, MPa: 1,6
  • rated voltage: 220V / 1Ph / 50 Hz
  • peak current, A: 1,47

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OFFICE Otok Samoborski Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana Unavailabe
OFFICE Prelog Unavailabe
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