GPPH PLUS welding table on foot 3000x1480 mm fi28 mm 100x100 grid
Stol za zavarivanje 3000x1480 mm, 3D, Nitrirani, D28 mm, 100x100 mm, GPPH PLUS
- GPPH made in EU
- plus serija
- tolerancija ravnine plohe: +- 0,3
- debljina ploče stola: 12 mm
- s obrađenim srhom i glodanim rupama
- točnost rupe, tolerancija: +- 0,05
- dimenzije nogu na stolu: 80x80x4 mm
- kapacitet po nozi: 500 kg
- ukupni kapacitet: 2.000 kg
- poglodani kutovi stola
- rupe za alate: Ø28
- mjerna mreža: 100x100 mm + gravirana skala
- dolazi u dva dijela sa spojnim vijcima i 8 nogu
Dodatna oprema
- mogućnost ponude seta alata
OFFICE Samobor | Availabe |
OFFICE Otok Samoborski | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana | Unavailabe |
OFFICE Prelog | Unavailabe |
Metal-Kovis d.o.o. does not guarantee that the prices, availability and descriptions of the product are accurate, as well as that the photos match their true appearance.
Metal-Kovis d.o.o. does not guarantee that the prices, availability and descriptions of the product are accurate, as well as that the photos match their true appearance.