Ceramic Edge Finder

Ceramic Edge Finder

Centering Indicator

Centering Indicator

Electronic Edge Finder

SKU: 6566-2
PRICE: 70,50 € + VAT
88,13 €

- The shank is electrically conducted to the metal workpiece through the chuck and table,
the LED lights up and the beeper sounds(only for 6566-3), when the ball touches the workpiece
- Not suitable for rotary use
- Hardened shank and contact ball
Shank: Ø20 mm
Contact ball: SØ10 mm
Accuracy: 5µm
Battery: LR1, 1.5V

OFFICE Samobor Availabe
OFFICE Otok Samoborski Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana Unavailabe
OFFICE Prelog Availabe
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