Gorionik MB EVO 004.0669.1 25, 4 m, ABICOR BINZEL

Gorionik MB EVO 004.0669.1 25, 4 m, ABICOR BINZEL

GPPH DIY Welding table on foot 1200x800 mm fi 16 mm 50x50 grid

GPPH DIY Welding table on foot 1200x800 mm fi 16 mm 50x50 grid

GPPH PLUS Welding table on foot 1500x1000 mm fi 28 mm 100x100 grid

SKU: 28_100x100_S_TWT_PLUS_150x100
PRICE: 1.850,00 € + VAT
2.312,50 €

Stol za zavarivanje 1500x1000 mm, 3D, Nitrirani, D28 mm, 100x100 mm, GPPH

  • stege se prodaju zasebno, cijena se odnosi samo na stol
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Machines Welding Accessories
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