File Set For Metal With Anatomic Handle, Fervi

File Set For Metal With Anatomic Handle, Fervi

Waterproof Led Torch, Fervi

Waterproof Led Torch, Fervi

Bal Point Hex Key Set, Fervi

SKU: 0215
PRICE: 7,46 € + VAT
9,33 €

Imbus ključevi s kuglom - set, 1,5-10 mm, Fervi

  • dimenzije: 1,5 - 2 - 2,5 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10
  • bruto masa: 0,36 kg
OFFICE Samobor Availabe
OFFICE Otok Samoborski Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Obrtnička Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja - Franje Tuđmana Unavailabe
OFFICE Prelog Unavailabe
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