Metal-Kovis d.o.o.
Stara cesta 14, Mala Rakovica, 10430 Samobor (Hrvatska)
Telefon: + 385 1 3324 617
Fax: + 385 1 3324 624


Sustav za prepoznavanje lica i toplinsko snimanje ATF-1612, Insize

Sustav za prepoznavanje lica i toplinsko snimanje ATF-1612, Insize Price

Šifra: ATF-1612

Cijena na upit
OFFICE Samobor Unavailabe
OFFICE Otok Samoborski Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Unavailabe
OFFICE Prelog Unavailabe

Face Recogniting Thermal Imaging 4 in 1, ATF-1612, Insize Delivery time: 30 - 40 days Access control via facial recognition Time stamp attendance Human body temperature meter Mask detection Application: school/campus public transportation airport office shopping mall hospital
Metal-Kovis d.o.o. does not guarantee that the prices, availability and descriptions of the product are accurate, as well as that the photos match their true appearance.