Metal-Kovis d.o.o.
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Pistol Grip Three Points Bore Gage 50-100mm

Pistol Grip Three Points Bore Gage 50-100mm Price

Šifra: 2124-S1004

1.924,00 € + VAT
2.405,00 €

OFFICE Samobor Unavailabe
OFFICE Otok Samoborski Unavailabe
OFFICE Sveta Nedelja Unavailabe
OFFICE Prelog Unavailabe

Mjerni pištolj za mikrometar za unutarnje mjerenje u tri točke, 50-100 mm - set, Insize model: 2124-S1004 rezolucija: 0,001 mm raspon: 50 - 63 mm, 62 - 75 mm, 75 - 88 mm, 87 - 100 mm točnost (bez digitalnog sata): 4 µm i 5 µm tip C setting ring: Ø62 mm, Ø87 mm extension rod: 150 mm digitalni sat 2108-101F se kupuje zasebno
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