Metal-Kovis d.o.o.
Stara cesta 14, Mala Rakovica, 10430 Samobor (Hrvatska)
Telefon: + 385 1 3324 617
Fax: + 385 1 3324 624


Pločica CNMG 120408.33 TSA25BP

Pločica CNMG 120408.33 TSA25BP Cijena

Šifra: CNMG12040833TSA25BP

7,09 € + PDV
8,86 €

Samobor Nedostupno
Otok Samoborski Nedostupno
Sveta Nedelja Nedostupno
Prelog Nedostupno

Pločica CNMG 120408.33 TSA25BP0, BFT BURZONI Pločice se prodaju isključivo u pakiranjima od 10 komada Navedena cijena se odnosi na jednu pločicu Romboidna, 80° CNMG 33: Double sided insert for medium and semifinishing operations. Recommended for boring operations and for stainless steel machining. TSA25BP: New carbide grade Black Panther is really performing and suited for universal machining of the major kind of steels and stainless steels (ferricts and matensitic). The substrate composition guarantees an excellent toughness. The coating layers and the innovative Black Panther process offer a good weear resistance, avoid micro-chippings and improve insert life.
Metal-Kovis d.o.o. ne garantira da su cijene, raspoloživost i opisi proizvoda točni, kao ni da fotografije odgovaraju njihovom stvarnom izgledu.